UDC 378


Dmitrieva Nadezhda Alexandrovna1, Birina Olga Vyasheslavovna2
1Samara Institute of the food industry and the business Razumovsky, Senior Lecturer of the Department " Design and humanitarian disciplines "
2Samara Institute of the food industry and the business Razumovsky, Head of Educational Methodology Department

This paper presents an analysis of the basic concepts of formation of professional competence of the expert in the learning process in higher education in terms of reforming the system of higher education.

Keywords: bachelor, Educational technologies, model of personality

Article reference:
Methodological problems of formation model of personality of bachelor of economic section // Modern pedagogy. 2014. № 4 [Electronic journal]. URL: https://pedagogika.snauka.ru/en/2014/04/2260

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The problem of modeling the person skilled in the recent years in the domestic science teacher presented an array of scientific papers, wearing both theoretical and purely applied character.
Some authors believe that the basis for constructing a model of personality is a development specialist with state standards , curriculum and educational programs , and the ” modern requirements for individual and professional activities should reflect the deep essence of the profession, based not only on the functional specification of a specific professional activity [1], but also its socio-cultural and temporal conditionality . In this case , the basis for determining the basic characteristics , including the specifics of the operation profession in time and space ( socio-cultural environment ) is a historical and theoretical reconstruction of the genesis of the profession [2,4].
Approach using historical genesis profession in modeling individual received educational literature “akmeologo historical approach” [2], as when it is used the researcher focuses on the study of the characteristics of ” acme ” professional ( or its inverse image ) at different stages of evolution qualitatively unique profession.
Supporters akmeologo historical approach probability model construction professional’s personality dictate the study of the modern period of development of professional activity as the next stage of evolution profession , pushing the assumption that the various stages of the evolution of professional activity, it was carried out subject ( individual and collective), realizing the value of a particular era , emphasizing the need determinacy subject, the dominant values ​​and leading historical epoch values ​​of specific professional activities and research activities subject using modern means of analysis of textual material , which reflects the main activities that are specific to the era, as well as psychological parameters of entities engaged in this activity [3].
Supporters professiograficheskogo approach, for example , model considers a specialist as a reflection of the volume and structure of the professional , social and psychological qualities , knowledge, skills , collectively representing its generalized characteristic as a member of society , highlighting the concept of ” business model professional ” and ” professional model of personality ” . [5] Model of personality description is regarded as a specialist totality of its qualities to ensure the successful execution of tasks occurring in the manufacturing sector , as well as self-learning and self-development worker and specialist business model ¬ – as a description of professional activities , scope and structure of the profession, professional work situations and methods their solutions , including standard , professional tasks and functions, professional difficulties , typical facilities and workplaces .
By the dominant model of personality components supporters of this approach include professiogram as a description of psychological norms and requirements for professional activity and personality ; professional job requirements – description of the specific content of the specialist activity that defines how and what he should do in everyday work in a particular position , ie minimum professional skills should possess specialist to ensure the necessary level of professional activity ; qualification profile , ie combination of required professional activities and their level of qualification, the qualification level for payment.
Some authors believe that the model of personality specialist – it is a particular set of professional, social, moral , political, mental, physical and other traits [6]. The model should reflect the personality of specialist that a set of characteristics of a person , without which he would not be able to function in a particular role . Thus, a business model rather than a specialist , which has a regulatory character and personality structure is not considered in the best set of states required for a particular profession of personal properties . Supporters of psycho-pedagogical approach isolated model person skilled dominant components such as characteristic of professional orientation , structure of professional motives ; description of the structure of professional knowledge, skills and abilities , structure of professional activities at various stages of the professionalization ; description of the social and physical environments in which professional activity of the person is realized at different stages of the professionalization ; description of the main indicators characterizing the performance, quality , reliability and personality functioning at various stages of professionalization.
A number of researchers under the model imply a specialist qualification characteristics . Shaidenko VA offers two definitions of personality models specialist ” set objective and therefore mandatory requirements of a specialist from the production side , ie future activities “and” standard (reference) planned graduate qualities : complex theoretical knowledge and practical skills ; professionally important personal quality specialist; pedagogical abilities and pedagogical thinking “[3] .
The analysis of sources on the issue shows that few researchers makes a clear distinction between ” professional model ” and ” model of personality specialist .”
Generalized model describing the specialist as complex components, as a set of competencies (knowledge , skills ) , social, moral , political, mental, physical features , and stressing that in this case the model is generalized, it should be noted that the model of personality specialist should imply a set of personal characteristics that contribute to the effectiveness of professional activity.
Proponents of ethical and humanistic approach to personality model as a basis specialist examine personality traits , particularly for specialties where the personal factor plays a crucial role in the effectiveness of professional activity , and the study model of personality based on the features of professional person engaged in a particular activity , rather than objective characteristics of the process of professional activities. Ethic and humanistic approach based on the fact that compared personality traits of successful and unsuccessful professionals and personal characteristics of effective professional and up model of personality , which are derived on the basis of professional and meaningful personality traits required for this activity. The combination of the structural features of the personality with the conditions of professional work using this approach allows us to represent a model of desirable personal qualities for the effective implementation specialist facing him practical problems. Similarity model of personal qualities original enforces the rules of sampling . Note the differentiation objectively and subjectively personal factors and personality traits .
The objective personal factors authors carry professional skills , experience, gender, ethnicity , education level , qualifications, erudition , value orientation , social origin, age and ability . The subjective factors include stable personality traits – anxiety, sociability , neuroticism , aggressiveness, emotional stability , etc. , stressing that in the preparation of the sample to examine the personality characteristics should be considered professional homogeneity objective personal factors controlling these variables will provide objective model picture personal qualities of difference specialist.
In recent years , in addition to scientific papers, considering the person skilled in abstracted form , a lot of research on models of personality specialists particular profile , including economic .
Analysis of pedagogical research papers on the problem of modeling the individual specialist economic profile identified key elements of his personality :  the group of skills that allow to implement control functions ( ability to implement management cycle , the main forms of work , coordinate , delegate authority , to intensify the work of employees , etc.) ; the next group of skills associated with the implementation of pedagogical functions (high own professional and ethical qualities , possession of bases of social psychology and conflict resolution ); The third group of skills associated with the communicative function and has two loops – personal and informational.

The first group of functions implies the existence of a number of individual qualities in the person of the expert economic profile : democracy , commitment , speed of decision-making competence , organization, responsibility , perfectionism , communication , energy, awareness .

In the second group of functions prevail moral individual personality traits : correctness, attentiveness to the other person and his problems , decency , tact , kindness , intelligence , etc.
The third group includes charm , vitality, self-restraint, good manners , etc.
In our opinion, in recent years in the domestic science teacher observed dominance of the competency approach in terms of modeling the individual specialist rassmatriavyuschego model of personality as a specialist rather complex , multi-level education, where individual objects are compared knowledge , practical training criteria – concrete evidence materialized , and personal and professional aspects – data psychological tests , interviews , etc

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