UDC 372.881.1


Markarjan Armen Sergeevich1, Popov Sergej Vital'evich2
1Saint-Petersburg Institute of Economy, Culture and Business Administration, senior lecturer of the department of the humanities
2Saint-Petersburg Institute of Economy, Culture and Business Administration, assistant professor of the department of the humanities

The article discusses some aspects of formation of key competences of students in teaching foreign languages. The types of competencies, which promotes the formation of the ability to solve communication problems in a foreign language. We consider the interpretation and classification of competencies of various researchers.

Keywords: competence-based approach, competency, foreign languages

Article reference:
Learning objectives of foreign language teaching in modern competence-based paradigm // Modern pedagogy. 2016. № 7 [Electronic journal]. URL: https://pedagogika.snauka.ru/en/2016/07/5901

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As it is known, the purpose is understood in psychology as a deliberate way of the future result of action. This gives reason to define the goal in relation to teaching foreign languages as a result of deliberately planned teaching and learning a language and culture. In this sense, this category defines the development and functioning of language education, determines its content and ways of mastering this content.

The purpose of teaching is an important socio-pedagogical and methodological category. Therefore, the reference to it is carried out, taking into account all the factors that determine the language education as a whole. In this socio-pedagogical essence goal dictates the need to consider it, in the first place, in the context of the social order of society and the state with regard to language education of its citizens and, secondly, in view of a comprehensive concept adopted in a society at a certain stage of its development and education system development.

Various aspect determinism of the purposes of teaching foreign languages gives reason to believe that this category have an intermediate link between the social and methodological. On the one hand, the goal is caused by the objective needs of the society and state, expressing their social order, on the other – it determines the whole system of language education, defining its content, organization and results.

According to N.D. Galskova and N.I. Gez, in a generalized form, foreign language communicative competence consists of the following components:

– linguistic (knowledge about the system of the target language, and formed on the basis of their skills of operating language communication means);

– pragmatic (knowledge and skills that enable to understand and produce foreign-language statements in accordance with the specific communicative situation, speech task and communicative intention);

– sociolinguistic (competences, allowing to carry out verbal and nonverbal communication with native language speakers, in accordance with national and cultural characteristics of another linguistic community) [1, С. 21].

At the core of teaching foreign languages as a social phenomenon is a social activity. Consequently, the starting point of the analysis of target aspects of language education is a group of social factors, i.e. socio-economic, political and socio-pedagogical factors. The effect of these factors is manifested above all in relation of a society to foreign languages in general, and the people having a good command of two or more non-native languages, in particular, as well as the demands that society places on the level and quality of language education of its citizens at a particular stage of its socio-economic development.

The set of social factors determines the social order of society and the state with regard to language education. The impact of the social order in the statement of purpose manifested in both the educational function of the subject, and in the sphere of practical problems to be solved in the educational process in a foreign language. In connection with the expansion of cross-cultural contacts and exchanges, increasing globalization in all spheres of modern society, modern education in a foreign language program provides for the development in students all kinds of speech activity [2,4].

Educational and cognitive competences and commitment to lifelong learning are formed in the course of teaching students independent work with educational literature, reference books, dictionaries, encyclopedias, etc., as well as through the creation of conditions that ensure the development of trainees’ ability to determine the achievement of educational objectives, analyze and evaluate their own progress [6]. Competence-based approach to teaching foreign languages at the university, determines its productive nature, forms in students focus on specific results, not only in the form of knowledge and skills expansion in a foreign language, but also in the form of spiritual increments, ability and willingness to receive at the outlet final products of this activity. It can be material products (reports, essays, presentations, etc.), Material products of the project activities, the ideal / spiritual products (development of intellectual curiosity and interests competency in a specific field of activity, etc.). This creates the conditions for the intrapersonal, interpersonal and cultural development that is the basis of developing competences of learners. This is because the competency exists as a phenomenon of continuous education, which begins with the university, provides continuous personal growth, and is an indicator of self-actualization [3].

A.A. Kolesnikov identifies several key areas of cognition and activities to which students should become involved as part of school education.

1. Common cultural level. Values and beliefs that characterize the individual as a member of multicultural community. Understanding the social and political processes (including international and cross-cultural), the ability to make their own decisions and take responsibility for them, ability to work in a group. Personal qualities that contribute to the successful functioning of an individual in a multicultural society.

2. Knowledge, skills, abilities and ways of activities related to information and communication environment. Possession of methods and knowledge of the patterns of interaction in the framework of interpersonal communication, communication in small and large groups, mass communication. Possession of some of these types of communication (in accordance with the views of their activity) in several languages. Ability to work with the flow of information (to interpret, process, transmit to others, discuss, draw conclusions, analyze and plan a response, including specific actions, etc.) in different languages. Ability to work with printed sources and technical means to obtain the necessary information.

3. Educational and cognitive competencies and capacity for lifelong learning. This area involves the formation and development of general learning skills and methods of self-learning activities, development of the ability to independently acquire subject knowledge, motivation for further education at the next stage [3,4].

The complexity and diversity of a strategic goal of teaching foreign languages – the formation in students the basic features of the secondary a linguistic identity, making them capable of an adequate social interaction in situations of intercultural dialogue, – make it necessary to consider it as a set of three interrelated and interdependent aspects: pragmatic, educational and cognitive [5, 7-9].

The pragmatic aspect of the goal of foreign language teaching is associated with the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities in students, possession of which allows them to join the ethnic and cultural values of the studied language country and practically to use a foreign language in situations of intercultural understanding and cognition [10-15]. The set of such knowledge, skills and abilities makes the communicative competence of students.

The cognitive aspect of the objectives of foreign language teaching is associated with such concepts as knowledge, thinking and understanding of the processes involved in the student’s initiation to a foreign language, to the people, the culture – its bearer. In determining the nature of the cognitive aspects of learning goals in foreign languages it is important to proceed from the understanding that the language reflects the interaction between psychological, communicative, functional and cultural factors [1, С. 95-122].

Thus, the successful implementation of this goal is only possible if the balance of the three above mentioned aspects. Excessive exaggeration or underestimation of one or other of them leads to negative consequences, and takes away from the strategic objectives of learning academic subject.

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