UDC 378.1; 371.3


Kozyrev Nikolay Anatolievich1, Kozyreva Olga Anatolievna2
1Siberian State Industrial University, Novokuznetsk, doctor of technical sciences, professor
2Siberian State Industrial University, Novokuznetsk, Novokuznetsk institute filial by Kemerovo State University, candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate Professor

Features a productive learning course "Introduction to pedagogical activities" directly related to the job description using the technology of system-pedagogical modeling, defining quality, personalized transition from the reproductive to the productive training for future teachers. The specifics of setting a productive learning objectives are determined taking into account the individual characteristics and conditions of the normal distribution of abilities in students group. The most popular jobs of the course "Introduction to pedagogical activity" are the jobs modeling professionally-pedagogical briefcase, portfolio learning, clarify concepts in the scientific publication "educational activities" and directly associated with the phenomenon of phenomena and processes. The developed software and educational support of the course "Introduction to pedagogical activity" have tested and confirmed the hypothesis about the possibility of creating a culture of independent work of the future teacher in the structure of the solution of problems, which are based on pedagogical modeling as a method of scientific research and the means to create ideal and material objects and products of activities and communication. The culture of independent work of the individual determines the quality of productive knowledge in solving various problems of development. The quality of the individual teacher involvement in research and teaching research system are determined by the quality of performances at national and international scientific conferences.

Keywords: of self-dependent living activities culture personality, pedagogical methodology, pedagogical modeling, technology system-pedagogical modeling of self-dependent living activities culture of student, the culture of self-dependent living activities of the teacher

Article reference:
Pedagogical modeling in the structure of the study course "Introduction to pedagogical activity» // Modern pedagogy. 2017. № 4 [Electronic journal]. URL: https://pedagogika.snauka.ru/en/2017/04/6980

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