Author: СмолГУ

Author's name: Киселева Ольга Михайловна

Articles of the author in journal «Modern pedagogy»

Применение математических моделей в педагогике. Модель цели обучения

№ 4 April 2014

Преподавание дисциплины «Социальная информатика» в вузе для направления подготовки «Социальная работа»

№ 5 May 2014

Этапы становления методов математического моделирования в педагогике

№ 7 July 2014

Articles of the author in journal «Modern Scientific Researches and Innovations»

Kiseleva O.M. The implementation of the principle of individualization of educational process with use of the program "learning Trajectory"

May, 2014

Kiseleva O.M. Model preparedness of teachers to the use of mathematical modeling methods in the educational process

July, 2014

Timofeeva T.I. The problem of scientific plagiarism and the effectiveness of methods of dealing with it

September, 2014

Kiseleva O.M., Timofeeva T.I. The problem of plagiarism in student research

June, 2015

Articles of the author in journal «Humanities Scientific Researches»

Kiseleva O.M. Initiation of pupils of primary schools to information technology through their involvement in competitive activities

April, 2014

Kiseleva O.M. Features of the use of mathematical methods for solving pedagogical problems

June, 2014

Articles of the author in journal «Psychology, Sociology and Pedagogy»

Kiseleva O.M. The problem of adaptation of the elderly population to modern information environment

April, 2014

Kiseleva O. Teaching basic computer skills to senior citizens

June, 2014

Kiseleva O.M. Teaching the discipline "Modern database management system" in the university for specialty "Social work"

July, 2014

Kiseleva O.M. Place of competitive activity in solving problems of adaptation of the elderly population to the modern information environment

April, 2015