Author: Кухарчук Ольга Валерьевна

Articles of the author in journal «Modern pedagogy»

К вопросу о созависимости как следствии патологизации семейных отношений

№ 12 December 2015

Articles of the author in journal «Humanities Scientific Researches»

Kukharchuk O.V., Chertkova V.V. Study of the interrelationship propensity for deviant behavior and attitudes towards alcohol consumption in a group of older teens

December, 2015

Kukharchuk O.V., Starkov E.N. Psycho-pedagogical work with hyperactive children in the conditions of preschool educational institutions

December, 2016

Kukharchuk O.V., Ignatieva K.V. Role of the family of an autistic child during its preparation for schooling

December, 2016

Articles of the author in journal «Psychology, Sociology and Pedagogy»

Kukharchuk O.V., Polyakova S.S. Education of children with HIA person by means of adaptive physical education

December, 2015

Kukharchuk O.V., Ignatieva K.V. Psychological support of families raising a child with disabilities

September, 2016

Kukharchuk O.V., Babets Y.P. Interaction with parents of children with disabilities in the rehabilitation center

December, 2016