Articles by keyword «самооценка»

Articles in journal «Modern pedagogy»

Самооценка студентами готовности к самостоятельному выполнению упражнений для развития выносливости

№ 4 April 2015

Влияние самооценки студентов на профессиональное самоопределение

№ 6 June 2015

Самооценка школьниками готовности к обеспечению безопасности при катании на велосипеде

№ 6 June 2015

Самооценка студентами готовности заниматься в спортивной секции

№ 11 November 2015

Articles in journal «Modern Scientific Researches and Innovations»

Plotnikova E.S., Maslova T.M. Interrelation activity of first-year students in the group of study and level of their self-rating

January, 2015

Moshkin V.N. Features of world outlook readiness of teenagers and seniors to safety in the transport sphere

June, 2015

Moshkin V.N. The analysis of empirical data on psychological readiness of school students for safety in the transport sphere

June, 2015

Archipenko H.P. Тhe results of self-esteem and anxiety in alcohol-dependent young woman with disorders of sexual role are not transsexual type

December, 2015

Sidorina E.V., Smirnova N.S. Features of socialization of younger adolescents in complete and incomplete families

July, 2016

Chesnokova T.D., Sheulovа E.A. The study of level of aspiration and self-esteem of teenagers in rural schools

August, 2016

Naushirvanova R.R., Akhmadeeva E.V. Psychological aspects selfie

December, 2016

Shcheulova E.A., Nikolaeva A.E. Particularly aggressive behavior of adolescents in contemporary society

January, 2017

Kruglova T.E., Maslova T.M. Communication of type of temperament with self-assessment of students of higher education

March, 2017

Pavlova Y.A., Maslova T.M. The relationship of self-esteem of university students with the level of sociability

April, 2017

Karpushkina N.V., Obuchova D.D. Peculiarities of adaptation to school of junior schoolchildren with visual impairments

April, 2017

Batyuta M.B., Sidorina E.V. Features of the effect of family education style on the level of self-assessment of young schoolboys

April, 2017

Самооценка и её место в жизни человека

May, 2017

Возможности коррекции самооценки в юношеском возрасте

June, 2018

Формирование навыков самоконтроля, самообразования и самооценки учащихся на уроках информатики

January, 2019

Особенности образа Я у тревожных старшеклассников

September, 2019

Приёмы формирования личностных результатов у младших школьников с задержкой психического развития в условиях реализации ФГОС

December, 2019

Актуальность изучения вопросов «Я-концепции» женщины среднего возраста

December, 2020

Articles in journal «Humanities Scientific Researches»

Герасимов И.В. Теория уверенности и уверенного поведения

November, 2012

Shabunova A.A., Soloviova T.S. Social stratification and social mobility in the Vologda Region

November, 2013

Moshkin V.N. Worldview readiness of schoolchildren for safety in the transport sphere

June, 2015

Ulyanova N.Y., Lokteva E.V. Social intelligence and personality traits of service workers (the case study of waiters)

July, 2015

Kornienko A.F. Human development in processes of training and education

December, 2015

Moshkin V.N. Gender features of psychological readiness of school students for safety in the transport sphere

October, 2016

Yaraya T.A., Amzaeva G.A. Pilot phase of the study of self-esteem of adolescents with disabilities results of the municipal state-owned educational institution “Yalta special (correctional) school VII-VIII of Species”

October, 2016

Нервно-психическая устойчивость и формирование профессионально важных качеств сотрудников органов внутренних дел в экстремальных условиях деятельности

May, 2017

Копинг-стратегии в подростковом возрасте

June, 2022

Articles in journal «Psychology, Sociology and Pedagogy»

June, 2013

Uspenskiy I.V. Self-estemating and claims level of college's students as factors of the training success

June, 2014

Skachkova V.A. The research of psychological predisposition to suicidal behavior of students

December, 2014

Moshkin V.N. Gender features of world outlook readiness of school students for safety in the transport sphere

June, 2015

Moshkin V.N., Ovcharov V.V. Communications of readiness of students to read literature on physical self-improvement with some elements of physical culture

November, 2015

Baymuhametova V.R., Nikolaev E.V. Research the formation of self-acceptance of younger pupils (for example, practice of teachers and psychologists of the Russian Federation)

November, 2015

Archipenko H.P. Тhe results of self-esteem and anxiety in alcohol-dependent young woman with disorders of sexual role are not transsexual type

December, 2015

Novruzova L.F.k. Psychological features of formation of an image I have age children from single-parent families

April, 2016

Moshkin V.N. Features of psychological readiness of teenagers and seniors for safety in the transport sphere

October, 2016

К вопросу о психологических деформациях у наркозависимых

November, 2017

Влияние уровня самооценки школьников на их мотивацию

February, 2018

Проблема самооценки у школьников

February, 2018

Проблемные вопросы реабилитации и ресоциализации лиц с наркотической зависимостью

March, 2018

Психолого-педагогическое сопровождение процесса развития самооценки в младшем школьном возрасте: от обоснования необходимости и разработки диагностических критериев к анализу результатов

June, 2018