УДК 371.333


Мирошин Дмитрий Григорьевич
Российский государственный профессионально-педагогический университет
Уральский институт ГПС МЧС России кандидат педагогических наук, профессор

В статье рассматриваются условия и возможности использования метода кейс-стади для проведения дистанционного обучения студентов. Описывается структура учебных курсов, основанных на методе кейс-стади. Делается вывод об эффективности применения метода кейс-стади для дистанционного обучения студентов технических вузов.


Miroshin Dmitriy Grigorevich
Russian state vocational pedagogical university
Ural Institute of State Fire Service of EMERCOM of Russia candidate of pedagogical sciences, professor

The article are considers the peculiarities of using case-study method for organizing and conducting distance learning students. The structure of the training courses, witch based on the method case-study, are describes in the article. The conclusion about the effectiveness of using case studies for distance learning students of technical universities.

Keywords: case-study method, distance learning, engineering students

Библиографическая ссылка на статью:
Мирошин Д.Г. The case-study method for distance learning of engineering students // Современная педагогика. 2014. № 12 [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://pedagogika.snauka.ru/2014/12/3066 (дата обращения: 14.07.2023).

Currently, the increasingly urgent problem of organization and implementation of distance learning students. Basic provisions on distance and e-learning documented districts in the Federal law “On education in the Russian Federation” № 273 FZ, which set the distance training technologies are implemented mainly with the use of information and telecommunication networks in indirect (in the distance) of co-work of the students and teachers (article 16 of the Federal law № 273).
It can be argued that the basis of the system of distance training of students of secondary school based on independent work on the study as print-governmental and multimedia training materials submitted in the form of a “case of training materials”, which has received the name – “case study”, and the method of organization of individual work  has received the name – “case method” or the “method of case study” [2, 4].A training package included in the case study, distinguishes high interactivity,  involving and stimulating individual work  of students. [1, 3].
Recently, when creating a distance learning courses using the case method, the authors carry large part of the face-to-face meetings with students in the Internet environment. To do this, in the process of distance-education introduced such forms of learning activity, as Internet -tutorials, advice by e-mail, virtual business games and trainings, student conferences and other [6].
Thus, the learning case contains the educational-methodological documentation, reaching to the student, and are intended guide for organization of work on individual study of fundamental principles of discipline and preparation for exams.
From the positions of the focus of the learning case for the self-organization student and examine the content of training discipline, you can offer invariant four-part of the learning case of unitized structure: the coordination unit, information learning block, practical block and control block.
The first component of the learning case is coordinating unit, intended for orientation of students in the structure of the learning material of the case, and the sequence of studying the elements of the case (from theory to practice).
The coordination unit may include a program of discipline, list of literature sources (including with links to online resources) and information on the organization of independent work of students, asking them a certain algorithm of discipline.
Information on the organization of individual work of students on educational discipline is desirable to provide in the form of e-screensaver, revealing the course of individual work on studying the content of training discipline, enriched with links to the main educational materials of the case.
The second component of the learning case is the theoretical part, which includes a course of lectures presented in electronic form, a glossary of the key terms disclosed in the framework of training disciplinary districts, and may include electronic textbooks, manuals on discipline, hyperlinks to Internet sites containing the information required in the discipline.
Materials of the information block is better to present in the form of documents, executed in electronic Microsoft Word, Microsoft Power Point (electronic presentations), and also in HTML format (in the form of electronic manuals). The practice of using case studies allows us to claim that such formats are the most convenient for perception of the screen, and of preparation of students of printed materials [5].
Practical block is the third component of learning case. It includes materials for individual work of the educational activities provided in the course of study of discipline, and to prepare for laboratory and practical classes provided in the course of the examination session.
Materials of practical block can contain collections for individual training of the content of training discipline, tasks for individual control of the collections of materials on the proposed during the session laboratory work.
All materials of the practical part, it is expedient to supplement methodical instructions for performing tasks and forms of reports, which is the representation of results individual work on the practical block. Practical block also may include tasks and instructions for implementation of the course project on discipline, if course project pre-desmotre curriculum. In this case, the learning case is included in the expedient for course projects containing uniquely determined by the sequence of stages of the project, requirements to registration, information materials and examples of the obtained results (typical schemes, drawings and the like).
Control block contains the control materials designed for self-management of students during studying the learning case of discipline. Such materials can be current, intermediate, final tests and tasks for self-control, and the list of the issues to the examination provided if an exam or test.
The structure of the learning case during became the basis of case studies in the disciplines ” The cutting machine and automation”, “The cutting tools ” The technological tooling “and ” The means of dimensional control “, delivered at the Department of technology of machine-building and methods of professional training of Russian state professional and pedagogical university (Yekaterinburg, Russia)  for students studied in the direction of  Vocational training (profile: “The machine building”.
Each learning case was developed on the base of invariant four-component structure of the case and includes a program of discipline, information on the organization of educational process, references, glossary, the electronic course of lectures in the form of multimedia presentations, guide for the control-work and individual work of students, guide the reports on the laboratory’s works, textbooks to complete course projects and materials for self-control. E-lectures presented at the electronic library of the university and are freely available for students.
Currently, the learning case are experimental approbation in the training of students at Russian state professional and pedagogical university (Yekaterinburg, Russia).

  1. Andreev Alexandr A. Didakticheskie osnovy distancionnogo obuchenija. – M.: IDO MJeSI Publ., 2000. – 126 p.
  2. Jane Saunders. The Case Study as a Method for Exploring Expert Music Teaching  // Journal of Educational Research and Practice, 2010.  no. 1, pp. 32-42
  3. Josep-Maria Batalla-Busquets, Carmen Pacheco-Bernal On-the-Job. E-Learning: Workers’ Attitudes and Perceptions // International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, Athabasca University Press, 2013. no. 1, pp. 40 – 64.
  4. Khairul B.M. Noor Case Study: A Strategic Research Methodology // American Journal of Applied Sciences, 2008. no. 11, pp 1602-1604.
  5. Miroshin Dmitriy. G. The online-videotechnology of distance learning students for technical disciplines   // Sociosfera, 2013.  no.1, pp 96-99.
  6. Saima Ghosh. Open and distance learning (ODL) education system – past, present and future – a systematic study of an alternative education system // Journal of Global Research in Computer Science, 2012. no. 4, pp 53-57.

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