УДК 378


Бобкова Елена Юрьевна1, Мелишева Екатерина Петровна2
1Самарский казачий институт индустрии питания и бизнеса МГУТУ им. К.Г. Разумовского, доцент кафедры "Дизайн и гуманитарные дисциплины"
2Самарский казачий институт индустрии питания и бизнеса МГУТУ им. К.Г. Разумовского, доцент кафедры "Естественно-научные и технические дисциплины"

Данная статья посвящена проблеме будущего трудоустройства выпускника ВУЗа. В ней отражены этапы процесса становления современной системы трудоустройства, решение актуальной проблемы поиска места работы, необходимость анализа востребованности тех или иных специальностей.


Bobkova Elena Jur'evna1, Melisheva Ekaterina Petrovna2
1Samara Cossack Institute of food industry and business (branch) FSEI HE “Moscow State University of technology and management after K.G. Razumovsky” (the First Cossack University), Associate Professor of Department of Design and humanities
2Samara Cossack Institute of food industry and business (branch) FSEI HE “Moscow State University of technology and management after K.G. Razumovsky” (the First Cossack University), Associate Professor of Natural-science and technical disciplines

This article deals with the problem of the future employment of graduates of the university. It reflects the stages of the process of establishing a modern system of employment, solution of actual problem of finding a place of work, the need to analyze the demand of various specialties.

Keywords: analysis, employment, external economic activity, graduate, labour market, university, world economy

Библиографическая ссылка на статью:
Бобкова Е.Ю., Мелишева Е.П. Employment problems of young specialists through the eyes of graduate of the federal university in the Samara region // Современная педагогика. 2014. № 12 [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://pedagogika.snauka.ru/2014/12/3194 (дата обращения: 15.05.2024).

Socio-economic transformation of the radical nature, that promote a new view of the role and place of employment of graduates, are taking place in the Russian Federation today. Broadly, employment is a necessary process of employment, including self-employment, and by means of employment, and transfer redundant worker with his consent in the manner of employment to another job in the same organization.

In a narrow sense, employment can be regarded as activities of state and municipal agencies to assist people in finding suitable employment, including the process of their professional training, participation in public works, etc.

At present the problem of future employment is highly relevant, as each graduate, being in the last year, thinks about whom he will work, where he will work and how he will realize himself in a professional environment.

Each graduate, ending his university, faces a really important issue of employment. Typically, today employers give preference to employees, who already have work experience. It is difficult for full-time students to combine study and work in the specialty. One form of possibilities, allowing to simplify employment, is practical training (undergraduate, etc.) that can help future graduates with employment.

The complex of actions developed in final qualification work can become one of solutions of an actual problem of job search of the graduate in the specialty. Many employers understand the need to work closely with universities, performing the function of preparation of highly qualified workers, which are an important component of the company’s intellectual capital. Therefore, we conclude that the interaction between universities and enterprises through the labor market is, perhaps, the most common method of interaction.

Employment of the future experts of universities is not only a problem of graduates themselves, but also an important issue in higher education. Each university is the subject of the education market and the labor market specialists, work on which has a close relationship. Therefore, increasing the guarantee of employment after graduating is pretty compelling competitive advantage of the university in the education market, which attracts a large number of applicants. This is especially true in recent years, when the occurrence of commercial educational institutions that provide the same educational services with state institutions considerably increased. In such circumstances the constant analysis of the demand of various specialties and forecast of change in demand for them are simply necessary. This will allow university to change flexibly its policy of training young specialists.

In today’s competitive labor market university system must be clearly focused on the issue of qualified personnel capable through their skills and knowledge that have been obtained in the learning process, to position themselves correctly in the labor market, to show themselves highly skilled workers in the performance of their professional duties. The analysis of the current situation of employment of graduates is necessary for this purpose, identifying positive and negative factors that determine the success of graduate employment, and take them into account in the work of the university in the preparation of future specialists.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the question of future employment occupies a significant place in the life of every graduate. Therefore, it is necessary to approach with full responsibility the choice of the specialty, the choice of university where you plan to obtain the knowledge and skills that help to get fixed up in a job for further professional growth. After all today the main problems and difficulties at employment of the young specialist are: low compensation; lack of demand resulting qualification needs and demands of the market; the groundlessness of the choice of profession.

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