УДК 37(094)


Тошева Емилия
Юго-Западный Университет “Неофит Рилски“, Благоевград, Болгария
доц. д-р Димитър Искрев,Болгария

Образование для карьеры имеет особое значение и ценность образования в 21 веке. E-портфель для карьерного развития учеников в технологическом образовании пример применения облачных технологий в образовании.

Ключевые слова: веб-ресурс., дизайн, ключевые слова: образование для карьеры, развитие карьеры, технологии обучения, электронной портфель


Tosheva Emilia
South-West University “Neofit Rilski“, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria
Assoc. Dr. Dimitar Screw,Bulgaria

Career education is of particular importance and value of education in the 21st century. E-portfolio for career development of students in technological education is an example of using a cloud technologies in education.

Keywords: career development, Keywords: e-portfolio, web-based resources.

Библиографическая ссылка на статью:
Тошева Е. Education for career and cloud technologies // Современная педагогика. 2015. № 6 [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://pedagogika.snauka.ru/2015/06/4543 (дата обращения: 23.07.2023).

Education of the 21st century should seek to educate young people capable of acting independently, make a responsible judgment based on evidence analyzed intelligently, to create conditions for the formation of key competencies as a prerequisite for lifelong learning and personal wellbeing to ensure the development of dynamic capabilities – the ability for self-learning, self-initiative, teamwork, development and application of creativity in problem solving, project research and learning and thinking skills for career management. In this regard, particular importance and value in the education of 21st century acquires career education.

The main objective of career education is to form people are ready personal and social invests in labor and career. It aims to develop the whole person by increasing its autonomy, increase self-assesment and encouraging initiative. It promotes the development and improvement of people making them sensitive to their own aspirations and makes them aware of their status in the world of work (Iskreva, 2002,15str.).

The new model of computing technologies received the name “cloud computing technologies”, the cloud is a meta form i.e. Internet technologies and services available via the Internet. One of the most rapidly developing and promising technologies today is “calculation in the cloud” (Cloud computing). Even if you are not aware of cloud technologies have become an integral part of our daily lives. Every day we use the services provided by Google, Facebook, Twitter and others.

They all work according to the principles of cloud computing – all the users information are stored on servers of companies and costumers do not know where it is physically located. They are open to all popular operating systems and devices without obliging users to install additional software.

E-Portfolio for career development of students in technological education  is located on Internet address: https://sites.google.com/site/eportfoliozakariernorazvitie

Figure 1. It is an example of the application of cloud technologies for career education in technological training.

Figure 1. E-portfolio of the student for career development in technological training

To create a portfolio of the student career training in technological is used Google Sites platform. Students will not need to know the language HTML – the process of creating and editing the site is done by using a specially developed interface. Google Sites platform provides the ability to edit the e-portfolio by several users. It is closely integrated with other Google apps for education.

E-portfolio of the student for career development in technological training consists of the following pages:

• Home;

• About Me;

• CV;

• Study of career;

• Achievements;

• Knowledge, skills and competences;

• Evaluation and self-evaluation;

• Career education and technological training.

Development of e-Portfolio aims: to learn to think about their future; to take responsibility for planning, for his education; expand your aspirations beyond the stereotypes of gender, ethnicity and socio-economic level; to develop and maintain self-esteem; To find out how your school prepare for your future roles in life in the 21st century.

  1. Искрев, Д. Кариерно образование в средното училище, Благоев-град, 2002
  2. Искрев, Д. Развитие на ключови умения за управление на кариерата, Професионално образование, година XV, книжка 3, 2013
  3. Тошева, Е., Дизайн на уеб-базиран ресурс за кариерно образование в  технологичното обучение, 2013, Професионално образование, година XV, книжка 3, 2013
  4. Фондация на бизнеса за образованието,2010 Уменията за заетост на младите хора в България, http://www.fbo.bg/info/docs/Manual_Youth.pdf

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