UDC 3(06)


Lazareva Oksana Aleksandrovna
The Saratov State University of N.G. Chernyshevsky
Is the student of sociological faculty of SGU of Chernyshevsky, is engaged in research on the subject "Happiness in Consciousness of the Saratov Inhabitants", has a set of publications over all country (in magazines "The Work Organization with Youth", "Pedagogics and Educations", "Modern Scientific Researches", "Science: yesterday, today and tomorrow", "Economy, sociology and right", etc.)

The humanities take an important place in Federal State Standard of Higher education. In article the author briefly argues on the importance of some humanities as for the person getting educations, so for an education system as a whole. Among significant such sciences the following disciplines are allocated: philosophy, psychology, sociology, history, standard of speech (or cultural science).

Keywords: education, history, humanities, importance of the humanities, philosophy, psychology, sociology, standard of speech, teacher

Article reference:
Briefly about value of humanitarian disciplines in an education system // Modern pedagogy. 2013. № 10 [Electronic journal]. URL: https://pedagogika.snauka.ru/en/2013/10/1910

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