UDC 378.14


Zagaynov Sergey Sergeevich1, Mokhov Nikita Alekseyevich1
1National Research Tomsk State University, student of the Faculty of Foreign Languages

The article explores the history of the Russian military interpreting with the description of its place, role and evolution in relation with the development of the society and political and economic relations of Russia based on the available factual and historical data and on an analysis of relevant sources. Such aspects of the issue of the Russian military interpreting as its founders, professional requirements and role of different representatives of the profession at different historical stages of Russia are also examined.

Keywords: history of translation, military interpreter, military interpreting

Article reference:
History of domestic military translation // Modern pedagogy. 2016. № 6 [Electronic journal]. URL: https://pedagogika.snauka.ru/en/2016/06/5793

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