UDC 378.147.88:057.87


Sergeeva Natalia Mitrofanovna1, Zyukin Danil Alekseevich2
1Kursk state medical university, department of economy and management, candidate of science of pharmacy, senior lecturer
2Kursk state medical university, department of economy and management, candidate of science of economy, senior lecturer

There has been proved that using electronic guidelines by students in preparing for lessons helps the teacher to achieve the following objectives: submit in a visual accessible form the necessary educational information, take in a educational material and applications the acquired knowledge in practice, development of abilities and skills of self-learning, the formation of responsible for the results of students work, motivation for further educational activities.

Keywords: education, extracurricular indi-vidual work, organizational and methodical work, pedagogy

Article reference:
Using electronic study guides in the educational process // Modern pedagogy. 2016. № 8 [Electronic journal]. URL: https://pedagogika.snauka.ru/en/2016/08/5929

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