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UDC 378.147.88:057.87
Reprintseva Elena Vasilievna1, Zyukin Danil Alekseevich2
1Kursk state medical university, candidate of science of pharmacy, associate professor, department of economy and management
2Kursk state medical university, candidate of science of economy, senior lecturer, department of economy and management
1Kursk state medical university, candidate of science of pharmacy, associate professor, department of economy and management
2Kursk state medical university, candidate of science of economy, senior lecturer, department of economy and management
There has been studied and generalized experience of extracurricular individual work (EIW) students at the Kursk State Medical University, estimated its share in all directions of education, presented and analyzed current management system of EIW in the university, proposed the direction of increasing the motivation of students to productive EIW.
Keywords: education, extracurricular indi-vidual work, organizational and methodical work, pedagogy
Article reference:
Organizational and methodological support of individual work students // Modern pedagogy. 2016. № 8 [Electronic journal]. URL:
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