Articles by keyword «астрономия»

Articles in journal «Modern pedagogy»

Использование компьютерных моделей при изучении астрономии: расчет движения Марса по небесной сфере

№ 12 December 2014

Articles in journal «Modern Scientific Researches and Innovations»

Mayer R.V. Methods of carrying out laboratory work "Movement of the particle in the field of the central force" in EXCEL spreadsheets

December, 2014

Zlobin A.E. The most ancient theory of Atom. Stonehenge is distant Egyptian solar temple and ancient University

October, 2015

Zlobin A.E. Landslide as initial mechanism of comet nucleus destruction during entrance into dense atmosphere of planet

December, 2015

Zlobin A.E. Long and curved avenue between Stonehenge and Avon River symbolize the body of Egyptian Goddess Nut. Cursus symbolize underground world Duat of ancient Egyptians

March, 2019

Законы Кеплера и законы Ньютона как основы небесной механики

November, 2019

Articles in journal «Humanities Scientific Researches»

Три этапа трансформации тавроктонии в иранском митраизме

February, 2021