Articles by keyword «корреляционный анализ»

Articles in journal «Modern pedagogy»

Регрессионный анализ как продуктивный метод исследования статистических данных

№ 5 May 2015

Articles in journal «Economics and Innovations Management»

Kodinets L.A., Radion M.A. Analysis of the transformation processes in the global high-tech market

December, 2013

Articles in journal «Modern Scientific Researches and Innovations»

Bogdanova E.E. Determination of factors effecting on world's population level of living

December, 2013

Karandeev D.J. Influence of ambient temperature on the power consumption of the big city

February, 2015

Uskov V.A., Azevich A.I., Sorokina E.V. The method of monitoring the tactical and mental processes and technical readiness of athletes-orientirovat

February, 2015

Tarasov D.V., Tarasov R.V., Makarova L.V., Shashkina M.V. Study of multiple dependence of the quality of products for construction application

March, 2015

Golubnichiy A.A., Chaykina E.A. Analysis of seasonal fluctuations in the level of air pollution in Krasnoyarsk according to the automated monitoring stations

May, 2015

Malebnova S.G., Tarasov R.V., Makarova L.V. Application of the regression analysis at quality control of construction production

May, 2016

Golubnichiy A.A., Tuksina E.A. Search false values in time series by the deviation of correlation coefficients

August, 2016

Articles in journal «Psychology, Sociology and Pedagogy»

Vasilenko N.V.

December, 2012

Lazareva O.A., Rogulina I.P. Influence socially – demographic signs on violence frequency in a family over women

February, 2014

Articles in journal «Modern Technics and Technologies»

Karandeev D.J. The effective temperature as a factor influencing the power consumption of the city

February, 2015