Articles by keyword «pedagogical technology»

Articles in journal «Modern pedagogy»

Особенности уточнения категориального аппарата современной педагогики спорта и физической культуры

№ 2 February 2016

Особенности детерминации категории «социализация» в структуре подготовки будущих педагогов физической культуры

№ 2 February 2016

Возможности уточнения реализации идей гуманизма и педагогической поддержки в подготовке будущих учителей физической культуры

№ 2 February 2016

Articles in journal «Modern Scientific Researches and Innovations»

Enigin D.V. Educational technology of projective skills of future teachers of foreign languages

June, 2011

Boikova I.V., Konontsova Y.S., Svinarenko V.G. Modeling and designing educational technology: models and implementation in practice of activity of the teacher-researcher

August, 2015

Svinarenko V.G., Schwarzkopf E.Y., Alexeev V.V. Study of the possibilities of socialization and self-realization of an athlete-a swimmer as a social-pedagogical problem

December, 2015

Articles in journal «Humanities Scientific Researches»

Kozyrev N.A., Kozyreva O.A. Multi-level technology research topics ... in the structure of training of future teachers

November, 2015

Kochuganov S.S., Schwarzkopf E.Y. Features of determination of humanism and pedagogical support in the preparation of future teachers of physical culture

February, 2016

Homyakova S.D., Schwarzkopf E.Y. Possibilities of determination the category "education" in the study of the structure of the course "Theoretical Pedagogic"

February, 2016

Pitnyavko V.A., Kozyreva O.A. Some features of socialization and self-actualization of students involved in the snowboard

April, 2016

Titova E.V. Problem of constructing a complex system of training specialists

July, 2016

Antonenko A.V., Kozyreva O.A. Educational activity as a construct and category of science teaching

August, 2016

Articles in journal «Psychology, Sociology and Pedagogy»

Romanova E.S. On the problem of the definition of the concepts «educational technology», «pedagogical technology», «learning technology» in modern pedagogical science

May, 2016

Articles in journal «Portal of Scientific and Practical Publications»

Проектирование содержание педагогической технологии «контроль»

May, 2016