Articles by keyword «студенты»

Articles in journal «Modern pedagogy»

Профориентация – основа профессионального самоопределения студентов: миф или реальность?

№ 2 February 2013

Методика обучения массажу и самомассажу на занятиях по физической культуре и спорту

№ 1 January 2014

Анализ результатов итогового тестового контроля по детским инфекционным болезням и неонатологии на кафедре педиатрии и детских инфекционных болезней.

№ 4 April 2014

Организация и технология учебной деятельности

№ 4 April 2014

Проблемное обучение как средство формирования у студентов умений действовать самостоятельно

№ 5 May 2014

Профориентационная работа как необходимая составляющая модели вузовской педагогической практики

№ 9 September 2014

Курс по выбору «Технологии сетевого взаимодействия» как средство профессионального роста студента

№ 11 November 2014

Гендерные особенности влияния физической культуры на нравственную подготовку студентов к обеспечению безопасности

№ 12 December 2014

Философско-культурологичкские аспекты процесса формирования профессиональных компетенций у студентов современных вузов

№ 3 March 2015

Анализ результатов индивидуальной самостоятельной работы студентов по разделу «Неонатология» на кафедре педиатрии и детских инфекционных болезней

№ 4 April 2015

Самооценка студентами готовности к самостоятельному выполнению упражнений для развития выносливости

№ 4 April 2015

Влияние уровня притязаний студентов на успешность овладения теоретическими знаниями

№ 7 July 2015

Самооценка студентами готовности читать литературу о физическом самосовершенствовании

№ 8 August 2015

Применение исследовательского метода работы при изучении истории русской литературы иностранными студентами

№ 8 August 2015

Средства педагогического процесса изучения студентами гуманитарных вузов новеллистики (на примере украинской литературы)

№ 9 September 2015

Актуальные вопросы методики проведения лабораторных занятий по современным информационным технологиям для студентов психологов

№ 11 November 2015

Самооценка студентами готовности заниматься в спортивной секции

№ 11 November 2015

Профессиональная самоидентификация студентов-медиков по специальности «Педиатрия»

№ 3 March 2016

Пути оптимизации физкультурно-спортивной деятельности студентов высших учебных заведений

№ 4 April 2016

Факторы риска формирования наркозависимого поведения в оценках студенческой молодежи

№ 5 May 2016

Articles in journal «Economics and Innovations Management»

Rodnina A.I., Melnikova O.S. Development of management system on values ​​on the example of Vladimir State University

January, 2013

Danilova N.V. A young specialist in the sphere of information technologies on the labour market: the views and wishes

October, 2013

Mironova M.N., Voroshilova O.S. Motivation and stimulation of labor activity

November, 2016

Articles in journal «Modern Scientific Researches and Innovations»

Petrosyan L.E. Automated system for rationalisation of contingent movements numbers student

February, 2012

Petrosyan L.E. Systematic functional completeness of the information considered in the information system for automatisation of contingent movements numbers student

March, 2012

Ostapenko R.I. Formation of mathematical competence of students-economists

February, 2013

Rybchenko M.G., Koshevenko S.V. Organizational culture of the university through the eyes of students

March, 2013

Tokarev A.V. The change in performance depending on the method of implementation of general developmental exercises

August, 2013

Tokarev A.V. Organization of classes with students of special medical group in University

September, 2013

Kapustin A.N., Ostapenko R.I. Using Internet resources in the process of solving mathematical problems by university students

January, 2014

Kalyuzhny E.A., Kuzmichev J.G., Mikhailova S.V., Borzenko D., Glagoleva C., Norkina C., Rosina C., Tremaskina Y. Feature adaptation capabilities of students

April, 2014

Mikhailova S.V., Kalyuzhny E.A., Norkina C., Tremaskina Y. «Health passport of the student» is a method of creating a culture of health

April, 2014

Mikhailova S.V., Norkina C., Tremaskina Y., Glagoleva C. Assessment of physical health of students with different body types

May, 2014

Mikhailova S.V., Denisov R.A. Characteristics of students from broken families

June, 2014

Kalyuzhny E.A., Maslova V.Y., Titova M., Maslova M. Implementation of the method index for measuring physical development of students

June, 2014

Kargina E.M. Role of psychological features of students in implementation of educational process

July, 2014

Titova M., Sadretdinova I., Fedoseyeva J., Kaleeva M., Husyainova A. Developing the potential of research activities of students

October, 2014

Akhmadiev G.M. Physiological basis and principles of safe food technology students

December, 2014

Akhmadiev G.M. Scientific basis and principles of anti-stress technology training students

January, 2015

Chernikovskaya M.V., Buceatchi D.A. Monitoring practices of student potential in universities

February, 2015

Mikhailova S.V., Borzenko D.M., Rozina K.V. Improving orientation leisure activities of students in the contemporary socio-economic conditions

February, 2015

Mikhailova S.V., Norkina C., Glagoleva C., Lubaev A. Social and psychological aspects of health of students in the process of professional development at the university

March, 2015

Mikhailova S.V., Koval A.N., Malygina A.N. The study of the effect of caloric intake on the health of students

March, 2015

Mikhailova S.V., Sadretdinova I., Fedoseyeva J. Health of Students - the social value of the state

April, 2015

Chaplina A. Internet network sales as one of the forms of the informal econom

April, 2015

Bylinkina M.V. The sociability and academic performance relationship of university students

June, 2015

Sokolova A.S. Prerequisites for the formation of online communities of students and employers in the field of marketing communications

June, 2015

Rusakov A.N. Electronic resource evaluation information competencies of students-future teachers of computer science

June, 2015

Gruzdeva L.M. The possibility of introducing in the educational process of training specialists legal profile online version of "Identikit"

July, 2015

Vinogradov I.G., Tokareva A.V. Dynamics of distribution of first-year students on educational groups for occupations by physical culture on the basis of medical indications

September, 2015

Drobot D.A., Miticheva T.I. Preventing maladjustment of interpersonal relations in the student group

September, 2015

Sidorova T.V., Polyakova T.A., Antonov A.Y., Losev A.S., Maligin I.E., Poluyanova O.A. Physical preparedness of students with different levels of health

November, 2015

Maysova T.V., Lekomceva A.A. Formation of professional preferences, tendencies and their communication with nature of thinking of first-year students of different specialties

November, 2015

Sturikova M.V. The formation of communicative competence of students in the process of debate

November, 2015

Baygazhanova G.K. About psychological – pedagogical service of higher educational institution works at the Institute of Integrational Educational Programs KNU after Zhusup Balasagyn

December, 2015

Gilyasova M.H. Physical fitness of the students who are engaged in different types of motive activity

January, 2016

Smirnova T.P. Lexical peculiarities of English texts in information technologies

February, 2016

Vorobyova A.A., Ivanytskaja M.S. Tutoring - technology work with the higher education institution students. For example VPO "Altai State University"

March, 2016

Lyz N.A., Shostak A.A. Measurement of student’s educational competence resources

March, 2016

Zimina M.A., Feoktistova E.A. The study of readership psychology students interests

June, 2016

Shchebuniaeva A.O. International cooperation in the field of education on the modern stage

June, 2016

Fedorchuk K.O., Varfolomeeva T.N. Problems of future teachers’ professional competence rising management

June, 2016

Zimulina G.D. Participation in the volunteer movement as the individual needs of students

July, 2016

Mineeva O.A., Klopova Y.V. Use of LMS Moodle in organisation of students’ foreign language independent work

August, 2016

Verisova A.D. Motivation is an important factor in the studying process of foreign language

August, 2016

Polevaya M.V. Procrastination and social responsibility of the individual

August, 2016

Nefedova I.V., Kristal E.A. The mental status of medical students and methods of its correction

September, 2016

Mikhailova S.V., Kuzmichev Y.G., Kryilov V.N., Kalyuzhnyiy E.A., Krasnikova L.I., Zhulin N.V., Norkina E.I., Glagoleva K.S., Lyubaev A.V. Monitoring of physical development of students Novgorod region

September, 2016

Zimina M.A. The image of a successful teacher in the students of senior courses of the university

September, 2016

Timofeeva Y.S., Sitranova S.B. Additional adult education in the system of modern education

October, 2016

Kuvaytsev A.V. Current problems in the training of specialists in the field of vocational training

November, 2016

Verisova A.D., Tomshin M.S. The role of a foreign language in the forming of occupational mobility at technical universities

November, 2016

Mikhailova S.V., Kuzmichev J.G., Zhulin N.V., Hrycheva T.V. Regional features of physical development of students in Nizhny Novgorod region

December, 2016

Verisova A.D., Chukreev D.V. The problems and delusions in the aspect of learning foreign languages

December, 2016

Verisova A.D., Lisnichenko M.O. The English language in the sphere of mechatronics and robotics technology

December, 2016

Borunova E.E. The project volunteer activities in social work with lonely elderly people

January, 2017

Smolovik O.V., Shutova N.V. Investigational study of students' attitude to learning a foreign language at different grade levels

February, 2017

Karsanova E.V. Watching English cinematic material as a way of bringing up moral and ethical norms by the students and a means of learning a foreign language

March, 2017

Уровень инклюзивного образования на современном этапе развития

November, 2017

Учебный процесс в высшем учебном заведении

November, 2017

Преодоление стресса у студентов в период сессии путем организации самостоятельных занятий физической культурой

December, 2017

Роль физической культуры в формировании профессиональных и личностных качеств студентов

December, 2017

Проблемы социальной адаптации иностранных студентов в российских ВУЗах

December, 2018

Роль научно – исследовательской деятельности в учебном процессе

December, 2018

Культурно-досуговая деятельности студентов как часть образовательного процесса

December, 2018

Психодиагностическое исследование показателей агрессии, типов поведения в конфликте, степени суицидального риска студентов

February, 2019

Значение и роль правового воспитания студентов колледжа

October, 2019

К вопросу о связи профессионального развития и гуманитарных способностей студентов технического вуза

June, 2020

Learning Analytics – новый инструмент контроля качества образования в Российской Федерации

July, 2020

Специфика системы менеджмента качества в ВУЗе

January, 2021

Применение СМАРТ-технологий для развития студенческой экосистемы вуза

December, 2022

Влияние физической культуры на учебную деятельность студентов

July, 2023

Articles in journal «Humanities Scientific Researches»

Lyz A.E., Lyz N.A. Formation Of Qualities Of The Labors Subject In The Vocational Training

July, 2013

Fedyuk R.S., Mochalov A.V., Ilinskiy Y.Y. The involvement of students of military specialties in scientific work

July, 2013

Shalova S.Y. Manifestation of properties of temperament of students in a stressful situation

November, 2013

Kazakova V.I., Popenova L.I., Yarmetova E.N. Features speech activity students non-humanitarian areas

February, 2014

Yakovlenko A.E. Tendencies of development of youth of the different countries: differences and similarities

June, 2014

Alexeeva S.S., Nesterova A.S. Ways of increasing the effectiveness of a foreign language teaching to students of nonlinguistic faculties

November, 2014

Moshkin V.N., Ovcharov V.V., Zaitseva S.V. Pedagogical factors of moral training of students for safety

December, 2014

Nikulina L.P., Khompodoeva M.V. Text as a component of the content of foreign language teaching nonlinguistic high school students

February, 2015

Makarenko V.K., Belousova I.B. The relationship of sport and art

February, 2015

Kharchenko E.V. The promotion of self-realization as a priority area of work with young

March, 2015

Kharchenko E.V. Psychology and pedagogical and social support of formation of the valuable and semantic sphere of the personality in system of technologies of work with youth problems

March, 2015

Vorobyova A.A., Ivanytskaja M.S. Training as a means of developing skills of writing and presenting scientific papers students

April, 2015

Khokholush M.S. The development of student value orientations in the process of their self-study

May, 2015

Jasinski D.V. Psychological education of students on the problems of exclusion

September, 2015

Smirnova T.P. Basic principles of linguistic material selection at the final stage of learning reading english scientific and technical literature at non-linguistic universities

April, 2016

Kamneva E.V. Manifestations of procrastination in the context of personal qualities

August, 2016

Nefedova I.V. Reactive anxiety in the structure of emotional status of medical students

September, 2016

Prudetsky A.E., Hramova A.I. Master's level of education: plans and implementation features

November, 2016

Sapozhnikova E.E. Psychological and pedagogical regularities in the formation of values in the family and educational institutions as the main institutions of socialization

January, 2017

Verisova A.D., Provkov N.S. The language question in the context of globalization

February, 2017

lyasina I.Y., Gurin R.V. Relation of modern students of the Russian higher education institution to different types of classroom work (by results of a sociological research in MEI branch in Volzhsk)

March, 2017

Рейтинговая система оценивания глазами преподавателей и студентов

June, 2017

Физическая культура и спорт в свободное время студента

November, 2017

Особенности становления временной перспективы личности студентов, занимающихся общественной деятельностью

March, 2018

Система военной подготовки в гражданских ВУЗах США

December, 2019

Личностно-профессиональное развитие студентов в период прохождения учебно-профессиональной практики

June, 2022

Оценка состояния здоровья первокурсников в КГЭУ

January, 2023

Articles in journal «Psychology, Sociology and Pedagogy»

Tokarev A.V. Monitoring functional status of students as a means of control in physical education

September, 2013

Rikhnovets A.A. Cultural and moral education of university students

February, 2014

Andreychik I.A. Ensuring subjective wellbeing of students with means of pedagogical ergonomics

April, 2014

Kulbaba S.V., Chygryn A.A., Timchuk D.S. Application of multimedia technology in education

May, 2014

Nikiforova A.A., Tsyhonchik N.V. Dynamics and contents professional identity of students of different courses of higher education training

June, 2014

Uspenskiy I.V. Self-estemating and claims level of college's students as factors of the training success

June, 2014

Uspenskiy I.V. Professional thinking features of music college students

June, 2014

Almagambetova D.T. Motivation for physical training of students

July, 2014

Petrakovskaja N.M. Moral potential of teaching literature

October, 2014

Ryabokoneva M.G. The Forming Of Personal Competences Through The Work Of The Debate Club “Politologist”.

November, 2014

Samarenkina S.Z. On the issue of engineers training within the dual system of professional education

November, 2014

Moshkin V.N., Kashcheev D.V. Physical education as a factor of healthy lifestyles students

December, 2014

Gimadrislamova R.M., Khazieva E.R. On the employment of students in the Republic of Bashkortostan

January, 2015

Pustovoitov Y.L. On the question of quality of training students for professional and business cross-cultural communication in institutes

June, 2015

Shtyrova A. Development of the Value Competence in Teaching Russian literature for Foreign Students

August, 2015

Lydia K.K., Agapova A.I., Korchagina A.P., Eyteneer E.A. Analysis of professional identity of students in the humanities

September, 2015

Romanova E.S. Psychological defenses of contemporary youth with different levels of religiosity

November, 2015

Moshkin V.N., Ovcharov V.V. Communications of readiness of students to read literature on physical self-improvement with some elements of physical culture

November, 2015

Gimadrislamova R.M. Models of self-preservation behavior of students

December, 2015

Shubina N.B. Organization of independent work of students of secondary vocational education with the use of information technology (social networking)

June, 2016

Kostina A.S., Garipova A.Z. Proper nutrition among students

June, 2016

Индивидуальный выбор физической культуры студентами технического высшего учебного заведения

November, 2017

Articles in journal «Researches in Science»

Mikhailova S.V., Norkina C., Tremaskina Y., Glagoleva C. Evaluation of the functional possibilities of students

April, 2014

Mikhailova S.V., Norkina C., Tremaskina Y., Glagoleva C. The research of smoking prevalence among students

May, 2014

Maslova V.Y., Kalyuzhny E.A., Sadretdinova I., Fedoseyeva J., Kaleeva M., Kasatkina O., Maslova M. Functional characteristics of modern students

June, 2014

Evdokimova G.S., Delegovskaya T.V. Assessment of student performance due in the first year and the results of the exam

June, 2015

Articles in journal «History and Archeology»

Soshnikov A.E., Nikitina A.S. Student's disorders in France in 1968: prerequisites, escalation and results

June, 2015

Articles in journal «Portal of Scientific and Practical Publications»

Недалеко от полярного круга… (Методические рекомендации к работе над текстами)

October, 2013