UDC 616.45 – 001.1/.3 – 07 : 378


Elena Andreeva1, Elena Kaverina2, Alexandr Donov3, Svetlana Komova4
1Voronezh State Medical Academy N.N. Burdenko, docent of Department of Faculty Dentistry, Candidate of Medical Sciences
2Voronezh State Medical Academy N.N. Burdenko, assistant of Department of Hospital Dentistry, Candidate of Medical Sciences
3Voronezh State Medical Academy N.N. Burdenko, assistant of Department of Dentistry IAPE, Candidate of Medical Sciences
4Voronezh State Medical Academy N.N. Burdenko, assistant of Department of Pedagogic and Phychology DLTH, Candidate of Phychology

This paper presents an analysis of research results of Higher Medical School teachers stress-resistance using methods for determining stress-resistance and social adaptation of Holmes and Rage and techniques for diagnosing the level of social frustration of Wasserman.

Article reference:
Diagnostics of a HMS teacher's stress-resistance // Modern pedagogy. 2014. № 4 [Electronic journal]. URL: https://pedagogika.snauka.ru/en/2014/04/2224

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