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UDC 37.013
Ermakova Lidiya Alekseevna
Oryol state agricultural university named after N. V. Parakhin
candidate of pedagogical Sciences, associate Professor of biochemistry and feeding
Oryol state agricultural university named after N. V. Parakhin
candidate of pedagogical Sciences, associate Professor of biochemistry and feeding
Article is devoted to a problem of formation of integrative approach in training at the different education levels. The analysis of a condition of a problem is provided to the different historical periods. The role of outstanding didaktov-teachers of the last centuries and our contemporaries is shown. Practical aspects of integrative approach in training at different steps of education - from preschool to the higher education are studied. Backbone nature of integrative approach in training is revealed. The line item of integrative approach in upgrade of educational process in the future is determined.
Article reference:
Integrative approach to training: past and the present // Modern pedagogy. 2016. № 7 [Electronic journal]. URL:
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