Articles by keyword «научно-техническая литература»

Articles in journal «Modern pedagogy»

Развитие у студентов навыка беспереводного чтения научно-технической литературы

№ 1 January 2015

Articles in journal «Modern Scientific Researches and Innovations»

Kargina E.M. Intralinguistic and extralinguistic conditions of training in a foreign language in technical higher education institution

February, 2015

Kargina E.M. Studying of foreign-language scientific and technical terminology in a historical context

February, 2015

Kargina E.M. Features of the translation of foreign-language scientific and technical literature from the point of view of grammatical stylistics

February, 2015

Kargina E.M. Reading scientific and technical literature without the translation – as a way of improving the efficiency of foreign language learning in non-linguistic higher education institution

February, 2017

Articles in journal «Humanities Scientific Researches»

Razumova N.V. Lexical and grammatical especially of translation of scientific-technical literature from German

November, 2014

Kargina E.M. «Pseudo simple» lexicon of foreign-language scientific and technical literature

December, 2014