Articles by keyword «professional competence»

Articles in journal «Modern pedagogy»

Творческие проектные задания как способ формирования профессиональных компетенций будущих бакалавров профессионального образования

№ 3 March 2014

Мультилингвальное обучение как эффективное средство достижения профессиональной реализации личности

№ 5 May 2014

Оценка уровня сформированности профессиональных компетенций студентов по техническим дисциплинам

№ 2 February 2015

Подготовка студентов строительных техникумов в области информационных технологий

№ 2 February 2015

Методика оценки уровня сформированности профессиональных компетенций студентов Ирбитского мотоциклетного техникума

№ 5 May 2015

Мониторинг сформированности профессиональных компетенций студентов в ирбитском мотоциклетном техникуме

№ 6 June 2015

К проблеме изучения сущности современных требований к профессиональной компетентности и культуре социального педагога

№ 3 March 2016

Articles in journal «Economics and Innovations Management»

Medvedeva L.B. Conditions of formation professional competences of students of the State agrarian University of Northern Zauralye

April, 2016

Articles in journal «Modern Scientific Researches and Innovations»

Enigin D.V. Educational technology of projective skills of future teachers of foreign languages

June, 2011

Shesternina O.I. Ways to enhance the effectiveness of non-productive organization based management system optimization

March, 2015

Ostroumova E.V. The system of advanced training for teachers

May, 2015

Druzhilov S.A. Levels of professionalism, stages of the professional competence and professional self-awareness: manifestation of the law of dialectical negation in the professionalization

October, 2015

Chernenko N.I. Use of andragogical principals during of seafarer’s training for professional activity

November, 2015

Nossatcheva E.A., Gus J.A., Kansuba E.A. The teacher of foreign languages as a professional language personality

December, 2015

Razhova N.A., Mironova M.N. Development of academic mobility of students

April, 2016

Fedorchuk K.O., Varfolomeeva T.N. Problems of future teachers’ professional competence rising management

June, 2016

Kiryushkina V.A., Lazarchuk D.K. Blended learning as a major direction in professionally-oriented education

October, 2016

Ignateva I.V. Discipline of mathematical content in the training of bachelors in a direction 21.03.02 – Land management and cadastres

November, 2016

Articles in journal «Humanities Scientific Researches»

Galiaskarova N.G. Sociocultural and linguistic aspects of the second foreign language training in the preparation process of tourist specialists

March, 2013

Kutuzov A.V. Model for the formation of professional competencies for future graduates of military high school means ALLFUSION PROCESS MODELER

February, 2014

Shchelokova A.A. «Russian language and culture of speech» the development of cognitive activity students technical college

August, 2016

Fedorchenko V.E. Mistrust as the effect of the formation of professional competencies in students

December, 2016

Формирование комплексной модели непрерывного повышения квалификации учителей в условиях введения ФГОС

August, 2019

Nazarov I., Abdykadyrova S.R. Learning english as a factor of successful entry into the world educational space

March, 2023

Articles in journal «Psychology, Sociology and Pedagogy»

Berseneva N.V. Formation of сonflictologists professional qualities based competente approach

June, 2014

Novgorodova E.E. Professional training of students of high schools to language business communication

November, 2014

Oreshechkina M.R. The study of the structure of professional competence of students - future psychologists

December, 2014

Kobets A.V. System professionally important personal qualities prosecutor

January, 2015

Berseneva N.V. Practice of forming professional competence based on dynamic methods of modeling and analysis of the conflict

October, 2015

Nossatcheva E.A., Kardashan K.V. The teacher of foreign languages as a language personality

December, 2015