ISSN 2306-4536
Электронный научно-практический журнал «Современная педагогика»
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Статьи на языке «English»
Гродецкий В.К., Войткевич Н.И., Сидорчук Р.И., Хомко О.И., Сидорчук Л.П. Peculiarities of educational process under conditions of credit-module system while studying surgery by 5-6th year students on specialties "general medicine" and "pediatrics"
№ 3 Март 2014
Дмитриева Н.А., Бирина О.В. Methodological problems of formation model of personality of bachelor of economic section
№ 4 Апрель 2014
Джалилова Н.Д. Using visual aids in teaching english
№ 5 Май 2014
Иманбаева Ж.К. Problem teaching at lessons of a foreign language – way of formation of creative activity and informative interests of the personality
№ 5 Май 2014
Подольская О.А., Пищулина Н.В. Role of informatively-communication technologies in educational activity on the lessons of English
№ 5 Май 2014
Шибаев В.П. Ways of creating effective interaction with students in the process of organizing seminars
№ 7 Июль 2014
Василенко Н.В. The results of the pedagogica experiment of the development of the professional sociokommunicational competence of the managers of the profile general education institution in the system of the post-graduate education: pedagogical conditions
№ 7 Июль 2014
Мирошин Д.Г. The case-study method for distance learning of engineering students
№ 12 Декабрь 2014
Бобкова Е.Ю., Мелишева Е.П. Employment problems of young specialists through the eyes of graduate of the federal university in the Samara region
№ 12 Декабрь 2014
Колоскова Е.К., Воротняк Т.М., Хомко О.И. Quality assessment the effectiveness of learning of pediatrics at different stages of educational process (results of correlation and multifactor analysis)
№ 1 Январь 2015
Хомко О.И., Сидорчук Р.И., Сидорчук Л.П., Петрюк Б.В. Optimization of Educational Process in Learning Сlinical nursing in surgery under Conditions of Credit-Module System
№ 2 Февраль 2015
Хомко О.И., Сидорчук Р.И., Сидорчук Л.П., Гродецкий В.К., Билык И.И. The problem of estimation (diagnostics) of the competence of medical students, interns and advanced training course learners
№ 3 Март 2015
Тошева Е. Education for career and cloud technologies
№ 6 Июнь 2015
Маркарян А.С., Попов С.В. Learning objectives of foreign language teaching in modern competence-based paradigm
№ 7 Июль 2016
Ушерович П.Е. Teaching Russian vocabulary: how to organize and introduce it
№ 12 Декабрь 2016
Арнаутски К., Арнаутски К., Тошева Е. Cloud technologies for video editing in technological education
№ 9 Сентябрь 2017